Petroleum Safety
The CRU is the safety regulator for upstream (offshore and onshore) petroleum exploration and extraction activities in Ireland. Petroleum undertakings, operators and owners who carry out designated petroleum activities must hold a safety permit from the CRU.

The CRU regulates the industry in accordance with the Petroleum Safety Framework. The underpinning legislation and key PSF documents can be accessed below.
- CRU Requirements of the Petroleum Safety Framework
- CRU Safety Case Assessment Procedures
- CRU Audit and Inspection System
- Petroleum Safety (Petroleum Incident) Regulations 2016
- Petroleum (Exploration and Extraction Safety Act 2015
- Petroleum Safety (Designation of Certain Classes of Petroleum Activity) Regulations 2013
- Petroleum (Exploration and Extraction) Safety Act 2010
Safety Case Guidelines
- ALARP Guidance
- Safety Case Requirements
- NSAI Petroleum Exploration and Extraction Technical Standards
- Compliance Assurance System
Further details on the individual components of the Petroleum Safety Framework and the various application and notification forms for industry use are available below.
Reporting to the European Commission
The CRU is required to report specified incidents to the European Commission as set out in Annex IX of Directive 2013/30/EU on offshore safety. Copies of the annual incident reporting to the European Commission can be viewed below.
No reportable incidents
No reportable incidents
1 reportable incident
*On 16 March 2018, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) was notified of a Petroleum Incident. Approximately 8 kg of unignited natural gas was released over 35 minutes during routine operational activities. This incident is not classed as a major accident hazard as there was no ignition of gas; the system depressed as designed; it occurred outdoors in a well-ventilated area and did not set off any gas detectors within that area. There were no reported injuries to personnel. However, the incident is reportable to EU Commission under 1112/2014 as the amount released was ≥1 kg.
No reportable incidents
No reportable incidents
No reportable incidents
No reportable incidents
No reportable incidents
Issued Acknowledgment of Compliance for Non-production Installations
AoC No | Owner | Non-Production Installation | Date Issued |
AoC-06 | Stena Drilling Ltd | Stena Spey | 01/04/2021 |
Relevant Publications
Petroleum Safety Framework Documents
In addition to the documents linked throughout this section of the website, the CRU has published the following documents for information:
Other documents
National Cooperation Arrangements
In carrying out its petroleum safety functions the CRU engages with other statutory stakeholders. To ensure open communication, good inter-agency workings and efficient operations, the CRU has developed a number of memoranda of understanding (MoU) together with these state agencies.
International Groups
The CRU is an active member of the following international petroleum safety and regulatory groups. These groups facilitate the sharing of information between regulators and promote improvements in safety standards through industry engagement. Working groups are also established to address specific topics on a regular basis. The work of these groups can include carrying out research, providing training, and conducting multi nation programmes. Further information is provided below and links to recent published reports from the groups can be found above under Relevant Publications.