Welcome to the CRU's Consultation Page.

The CRU has a dedicated consultation platform. By using this site you can participate in public consultations. You can use this Consultations link to view or search for open and upcoming consultations.
Register for an account to make a submission. The registration process is a one-time process and your account can be used for the majority of the CRU's consultations. You will be able to record your submissions across multiple consultations and save the progress of partially completed submissions to complete at a later date. The portal has a mailing list for subscribing to consultations and notifications. Your personal information such as contact details collected as part of the consultation process is protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (2018).
Why we consult
The CRU regularly publishes consultations on a range of subjects across energy and water. Effective consultation provides the CRU with important information from stakeholders that will contribute to and strengthen the policy decisions that it makes.
Energy, water and safety regulation affects all stakeholders and the CRU is committed to ensuring that the voice of all customers is heard and reflected in the decisions that it makes.
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