Electricity & Gas

Firm Access detailed methodology decision

Firm Access Detailed Methodology

Firm Access detailed methodology

The CRU has today, 08 November 2023, published a decision paper on Firm Access detailed methodology.

On 25 January 2023 the SEM Committee published a decision paper on a Firm Access Methodology in Ireland (SEM-23-004) outlining the process for allocating firm access to generators. Decision SEM-23-004 set out that there were a number of areas that required further consideration beyond the decision paper. It described that these areas would require further engagement by CRU with EirGrid to develop more detail on how they will be defined and work.

On the 28 June 2023 the CRU published a consultation paper on the detailed firm access methodology capturing this work, with this consultation closing on 09 August 2023. This consultation on the firm access methodology looked at a number of elements in more detail.

Following completion of this consultation process the CRU has come to a decision on the detailed elements of the Firm Access methodology.
