Payment Difficulties
Find out what to do if you're having trouble paying your energy bills. We also outline what consumer protections are in place for you with your supplier.
Your Electricity Bill
Most customers receive an electricity bill from their supplier once every two months. We explain the key information and terms on your bill.
Your Electricity Meter
Electricity meters measure the amount of electricity used in your household. Your electricity bills are based on meter readings.
Your Gas Bill
Most customers receive a gas bill from their supplier once every two months. We explain the key information and terms on your bill.
Your Gas Meter
Gas meters measure the amount of gas used in your household. Your gas bills are based on meter readings.
Prepay and Pay As You Go (PAYG) Meters
Prepay or PAYG meters are an alternative to credit meters. Find out how they work and if they are suitable for your needs.
Smart Meters
By the end of 2025, every home and business in Ireland will have a smart meter. You will have instant access to information about your electricity use and be able to use smart services.
Energy Saving Advice
By reducing our energy use, we can reduce our bills and carbon footprint. We can also limit our reliance on imported fossil fuels. Get energy saving information for your home, transport and business.