Your Gas Meter
Gas meters measure the amount of gas used in your household. Your gas bills are based on meter readings.
Gas Networks Ireland
All gas customers have gas meters installed in their homes. Your gas meter is installed and maintained by Gas Networks Ireland (GNI).
GNI also:
- Take meter readings four times a year and estimated readings twice a year.
- Send your meter readings to your energy supplier. Your energy supplier then bills you based on your usage.
Contact Gas Networks Ireland if you suspect a fault, tampering with your meter, or you have no supply.
If you smell gas call: 1800 20 50 50
Customer service: 1800 464 464
Meter readings
When the GNI meter reader visits your property to read the meter, they will need to access it. Sometimes, if the gates are locked, there is something blocking the meter, or you are not there to give them access, they will not be able to take a reading.
If they cannot access the meter to take a reading they will:
- leave a card in the mailbox to let you know that they were there
- tell you how you send in your own gas meter reading. If GNI are unable to obtain an actual meter reading and you do not send in your own meter reading, then GNI will estimate your usage. In order to ensure you are accurately billed, it is always best to allow GNI access to your meter and to submit your own meter reading.
Types of meter readings on your bill
You can see on your gas bill what type of meter reading was taken for your bill.
- A means an actual meter read by GNI
- C means a meter read was submitted by the customer
- E means your bill has been calculated using an estimated meter reading
Estimated bills
If you have too many estimated bills in a row, your bill may not be accurate. This means when an actual meter read takes place, your bill may be larger than expected. To avoid this happening:
- Check your bills to make sure they're not always estimated.
- If you receive an estimated bill, check the difference between the meter reading noted on the bill and your actual meter reading.
- If there is a big difference, submit your own meter read. Then can you be sure you are being billed properly and a future bill won't surprise you.
If you have a query about your bill contact your gas supplier.
Submit a gas meter reading
You can submit a meter read to Gas Networks Ireland or to your energy supplier. When submitting a reading, you will need your:
- Gas Point Reference Number (GPRN). You will find this at the top of the front page of your gas bill.
- Meter reading
Find out how to read and submit a gas meter reading on the GNI website. Or call them with your GPRN and meter reading on 1800 427 732.
You will need a meter box key to open your meter box door and read your meter. If you don't have one you can request a meter box key from GNI.
Pay as you go gas meters
Gas cards for PAYG gas meters are available at all Payzone outlets, Post Point and Post offices.
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