Wind Turbines

We published a decision paper on the grid access requirements for Phase 2 offshore wind projects. This decision creates a pathway, with clear milestones, by which a Phase 2 offshore project can secure and execute grid access. The decision also sets out the obligations on EirGrid to facilitate grid access to the transmission system for Phase 2 offshore projects. Additionally, this decision will enable EirGrid to complete and issue a Grid Connection Information (GCI) pack to any project seeking to participate in the next state auction Tonn Nua as well as any future Phase 2 auctions

We also published a decision paper on the Phase 2 Offshore Wind Grid Connection Charging Policy. This outlines the CRU’s decision on the grid connection charging policy that will apply to offshore wind generation projects as they seek connection to the transmission grid under the Phase 2 policy. The CRU has decided that Phase 2 offshore wind projects will pay an offshore grid connection charge. The costs of offshore transmission assets (developed by EirGrid) will be charged to offshore generators through an “Offshore Grid Charge” (OGTUoS). Also, given the need for prospective bidders to have all relevant information sufficiently in advance of the next state auction, the CRU has decided that the OG-TUoS charge will be fixed for a period of 30 years.