Untitled-2 (57)

The current gas PAYG meters are coming to the end of their life due to ageing and must be replaced. Without this replacement project, the current system will become obsolete and customers will no longer have the option of having a gas prepayment service. This paper sets out a high-level view of what the new gas PAYG meter system will look like and will set out the differences between the new system and the current one.

The CRU is seeking feedback from suppliers, consumer interest groups, industry groups, members of the public and all other interested parties regarding the information raised in this document by 25th February 2025.

The CRU will publish responses in full on the CRU website. Respondents should include any confidential information in a separate annex stating the rationale for not publishing this part of their comments.

Feedback to this consultation will be considered and used to form a decision paper which is expected to be published in Q2 H1 2025. The CRU expects to publish another consultation paper on the more detailed design of the system in 2025 when more information on the new gas PAYG system is available.

Comments should be submitted via the consultation platform, by close of business on Tuesday, 25th February 2025.