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We have published a report on our Customer Care Team’s Quarterly Insights. This provides information on the number and type of contacts and complaints we received in the first half of the year.

The CCT team received: 10,279 emails, 3,277 calls, 711 web queries and 203 letters. This represents a 19% decrease on the level of contacts recorded in the first half of 2023, but a slight increase (6%) on the volume recorded in the second half of 2023. The top complaint topics were related to billing on: Government credits, high/incorrect bills, and estimated readings. The main customer contacts were around billing, smart meters, account problems and customer service.

The CRU’s Customer Care Team (CCT) provides two main services to energy and water customers:

  • a free dispute resolution service to customers with an unresolved complaint against an energy supplier, network operator or Uisce Éireann, and
  • an information service for customers about energy or water services, including information on their rights and provider obligations.

This report provides high-level information on the number and type of contacts and complaints we received in the first half of 2024 (January to June 2024, H1). A more detailed analysis and commentary of complaints data covering the whole year will be published in our annual report, after the end of the year.